Creative Industries


Key facts

Start dates

September 2023

Course length

Full time: 1 year September – September

Part time: 2 years September – September




School of Arts


If you are planning a career in the UK’s rapidly-growing Creative Industries then you will need a passion for your chosen creative sector, a dynamic portfolio of research or creative practice, and the ability to work flexibly alongside other talented professionals. The MA in Creative Industries will inspire you within your chosen field of Film, Music or Digital Media Production whilst giving you the opportunity to broaden your horizons with interdisciplinary live projects.

This is a flexible postgraduate programme with pathways in Film, Music, and Digital Media Production, and a final project which can be focussed either towards research or creative practice. The degree includes optional live projects, giving you opportunities to work directly with external businesses to deliver professional creative projects. These live projects are enabled by our student-led agency, Brookes Creative.

Specific entry requirements

Applicants should hold an undergraduate degree at 2:1 or higher in an arts or humanities subject. Students with degrees in STEM or social science subjects such as computer science or business studies may be considered, but will be required to attend an interview to discuss their motivations for applying for the course or submit a portfolio of work which demonstrates their critical engagement with the creative industries (e.g. a film review). APEL applications will be encouraged for students with extensive professional experience.