District Nursing


Key facts

Start dates

September 2023 / September 2024

Course length

Full time: 52 weeks

Part time: 104 weeks


Headington (Marston Road site)


Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery


Our District Nursing PGDip is community nurses who want to prepare for (or consolidate) a leadership role.

The course prepares you for the changing face of community nursing. You will:

  • strengthen your leadership attributes
  • become a skilful specialist practitioner
  • learn how to lead and bring about change in your practice environments.

A large amount of your time will be spent in the practice environment. You will have a practice teacher who will support the development of your professional practice.

Our lecturers are experienced in their specialist practice areas. They maintain excellent practice links with those areas locally and across the region. We also have well-established links with national and international colleagues, organisations and institutions. This ensures that the curriculum reflects current practice issues.

You will gain a Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) community specialist practitioner (CSP) award.

Specific entry requirements

Access to the DN course is open to practitioners who meet the following criteria.

This course is at level 7 (Master’s Degree) therefore evidence is required of recent study at level 6 (degree level).

You must:

– be registered on Part One (Adult/ RN1/ RNA) of the NMC register as an Adult Nurse and active UK Nurse
– be able to demonstrate evidence of recent study at level 6 on entry
– have secured a student place within an NHS Trust which will ensure the following:

– access to a community practice teacher and placement area
– a source of NHS funding (employment) to enable payment of the course fees.