Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties


Key facts

Start dates

September 2023 / September 2024

Course length

Part time: 24 months


Distance learning


School of Education


The PG Diploma in Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Difficulties is delivered by Oxford Brookes University in partnership with the mental health charity SEBDA.

This two year, part time online Diploma generates 120 masters level credits. You can exit the Diploma after one year with a Post Graduate Certificate in SEMH (60 credits) or go on to study a full masters degree.

Our team includes specialist teachers, authors, psychologists, behaviour support professionals and SEN advisers – all with expertise in supporting children and young people with mental health needs.

The Diploma will enhance your understanding, skills and expertise of children and young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties. You will learn practical, theoretical and research issues relating to SEMH, which you will relate to your own professional context and practice.

Please note, it is important that you are working with children and/or young people in a professional setting when you undertake the Diploma.

Specific entry requirements

Students must normally hold a degree qualification at 2.2 or above and must be working in a relevant setting where they will be working with children and/or young people with SEMH difficulties as part of their practice.

Students who do not hold a 2.2 degree may be accepted on the course following an assessment of prior experiential learning.