Doctor of Coaching and Mentoring


Key facts

Start dates

September 2023

Course length

Part time: 3 to 5 years




Oxford Brookes Business School


We designed this course for experienced coaches/mentors looking to deepen their knowledge, show commitment and contribute to the evidence base of the field.

The Doctor of Coaching and Mentoring programme develops the capabilities needed to become a researcher and leader in the field and foster excellence in your practice. We will challenge you to build on your existing expertise and push the boundaries of your knowledge so you can:

  • operate at the highest level in coaching, mentoring and personal development
  • develop confidence in providing facilitation and consultancy
  • be competent in researching the field.
  • Our teaching staff have specific research interests in coaching and mentoring or related fields. We also invite specialists to provide further expert input.

To complete your doctoral thesis, the course includes:

  • doctoral thesis training (taught modules and workshops)
  • design of original empirical research
  • professional expertise and scholarly inquiry

This is a part-time, distance learning course, delivered by the International Centre for Coaching and Mentoring Studies.

Specific entry requirements

There are two entry points for the Doctor of Coaching and Mentoring (DCM) programme.

Graduate entry

For graduate entry into the five-year DCM programme you should normally have a good honours degree, plus three years’ minimum experience in coaching/mentoring.

Direct entry

For direct entry into the later stage of the DCM programme you should have an appropriate master’s level qualification, with a merit profile and a minimum of five years’ experience of coaching/mentoring.

Depending on entry stage you may be eligible for exemptions from certain elements of the programme.